In 1999, Usher Raymond IV Created a Global
Youth Leadership Development Movement.

Usher’s New Look® (UNL) is a non-profit organization that transforms the lives of youth through life-changing programming. We begin working with young people in middle school all the way through college. Along the way, we help youth find their spark (passion), graduate from high school and move on to higher education and training to build successful careers and be of service to their communities. Our work helps youth future-proof their lives from systemic barriers to become leaders who change the world.

1.3 million students
drop out of high
school every year
Equivalent to
1 child every 26 seconds
4x less likely
to earn a living wage
75% of all crime
is committed by high school dropouts
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Keeping the Spark Aflame
Our commitment to empowering the next generation of leaders is strong. We support youth through our 10-year leadership program, providing students with the skills and resources they need to thrive while also allowing them to earn local, national, and global Leadership Certification backed by Emory University.