Equipping Youth to Fully Understand COVID-19 and Ways to Combat the Pandemic Now and in the Future

Usher’s New Look (UNL) and Johns Hopkins Health Education and Training (HEAT) Corps are proud to present this timely and impactful COVID-19 Teaching Series to educate, support, and develop passion-driven youth leaders and advocates who are well informed on the current state of COVID-19 and well equipped to discuss ways to continue to keep themselves and others safe.

The Series

The COVID-19 Teaching Series includes eight (8) separate virtual sessions held each Wednesday from March 31 – May 19 from 5 – 6 pm. The sessions are meant to be interactive and informative for youth participants, increasing engagement between students and health care professionals, and developing a pipeline of health educators from diverse backgrounds.

    1. SESSION 1COVID-19 Biology​ (March 31, 2021)
      To understand the basic biology of COVID-19. Key terms: zoonotic, incubation period, symptoms. Hands-on Activity: Arts-and-crafts with regards to creating  COVID-19.
    2. SESSION 2 – Mathematical Models (April 7, 2021) ​
      To understand what variables are needed to create a pandemic. Key terms: reproduction number, R0, infection. Hands-on Activity: Models to discuss how to increase or  decrease the reproduction number.
    3. SESSION 3 – Physics Behind a Face  Mask (April 14, 2021)
      Importance of face masks in curbing the pandemic and how to make face masks that actually stop the spread of airborne microbes. Key terms: particulate matter, aerosol.
    4. SESSION 4 – Chemistry of Hand  Hygiene (April 21, 2021)
      To provide students with insight into how hand-washing and sanitizer impacts microbes. Key terms: oil, viral shell. Demonstration on how to create effective hand sanitizer.
    5. SESSION 5 – Vaccines (April 28, 2021)
      To understand how vaccines work and how the COVID-19 vaccine  arrived in time to manage the pandemic. Key terms: vaccines, infection, herd immunity. Understanding concerns around new medical breakthroughs.
    6. SESSION 6 – Mental Health & Wellness – Part 1 (May 5, 2021)
      To provide an understanding of mental health challenges during the pandemic faced by youth and adults. Note this module is divided over two lessons. Key terms: mental health, feelings, stress. Discussions on ways to promote mental  health awareness. 
    7. SESSION 7 – Mental Health &  Wellness – Part 2 (May 12, 2021)
      Continued discussion on ways to promote mental  health awareness. 
    8. SESSION 8 – Myth-Busters (May 19, 2021)
      To provide insight into understanding causality, which is often a  challenge in science outcomes during infectious crises. Key terms: cause-and-effect, science literacy, alternative theories. Review certain headlines and identify what is myth and what is truth.

“Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! Kids love your presentation!! They were grateful to hear it from the primary source!”

~Anu B., Educator